Take Me

Take me higher. Further. Leave me breathless, as only you can. Climbing faster and faster. Floating in the other realm. You know only you can. Don't let go, I may fly away, never to be seen again. Lose me with great sorrow and regret. Ever higher, yes, that's the way. Please ... lead the way … Continue reading Take Me

Check the window before drifting off to sleep …

Off to the window she went, padding softly across the room to stare off into the distance.  It was twilight time, the sky with a hue of barely grey.  Night was coming soon and stoking the fire was a good idea to stave off the chill. A soft smile crossed her face as the fire … Continue reading Check the window before drifting off to sleep …


“Part of doing something is listening. We are listening. To the sun. To the stars. To the wind.” ― Madeleine L'Engle, Swiftly Tilting Planet Happy Wednesday everyone 🙂 A large part of my Second Life® involves photography.  I've done many landscapes but hope to do more portraits and poses.  For this particular shot, I thought the … Continue reading Listening